countrys-midnight-expressThe Muscogee Roller Girls are excited to participate in supporting Country’s BBQ – Annual 5K Charity run benefiting the visually impaired. We will have a booth as well as participants from the team represented in the 5000m fun.

This race is expected to have over 2200 finishers, and given past year experiences, many expect this to potentially be one of the best races for the year here in Columbus.

You can sign up to run/walk at with a $20 registration fee – registration closes on Aug 22 at midnight.

Come support our skaters, the Columbus runners/walkers, and have a wonderful evening with Country’s BBQ! There will be live music, great food, and many vendors celebrating the end of summer and beginning of fall with you, your friends and neighbors!

The fun will start at 7PM at Country’s BBQ (3137 mercury Drive) and the race at 11:59 PM. See you there!

Categories: Events